The Latest from the Connaught Club
W Bro Anthony Muirhead – the Chairman of the Connaught Club reports
As the new normal keeps us all guessing when we can get our aprons and gloves out again, the Connaught Club committee has moved its activities online. We meet via Zoom to plot and plan the year ahead with various events planned throughout the year.
We still hold our monthly drinks with our members, but via Zoom. I am – insofar as I am aware – the only member still able to enjoy the satisfaction of still being in a pub for our drinks. We have also held an especial meeting to undertake some of the rudimentary functions of our abandoned AGM from March, and have several seminars planned for June and beyond.
As if all of this virtual jocularity wasn’t enough to be getting on with, the committee is continuing to work behind the scenes planning a new website (to match our new membership system), as well as other exciting projects in the pipeline. With the virus, our plans for the annual Open Reception in the Grand Vestibule of Freemasons Hall have gone astray, but we are hoping that we will be able to reschedule this for November this year.
Without wanting to bore you all about this and that coming up, if you would like to know more about what we’ve got coming up (or if you’re thinking about joining and would like to attend our ‘drinks’) please do get in touch with me:
We continue our drive to raise funds for our charity this year (the Maytree Centre; a sanctuary for the suicidal), and any donations would be most
gratefully welcome. We have a Virgin Money Giving page; please search for the Connaught Club and select the Maytree Mountain Challenge page. Every penny you donate really does save lives. £10 will pay for the recruitment and DBS check for a new befriender volunteer, and £50 will fund the costs of telephone and email support for 10 people in a suicide crisis.
This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 41 July 2020 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons – Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.
Read more articles in the Arena Issue 41 here.